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Muslim Leauge 1906-1911 |
After the creation of the Indian
national Congress and its time as a ‘representative’ party for the
people of the Indian sub-continent, there was felt a need to reassess
its claims at unbiased representation. From the very start of its
existence the Congress had shown clear its interest to safeguard the
rights of Hindus, alone. Some of the Congress leaders adopted a
revolutionary policy to establish Hindu Raj in the sub-continent under
the guise of a national movement.
The prediction of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
Soon proved to be fact that, “Hindus and Muslims are two different
nations who have different ideologies.” The Muslims of India were
greatly disappointed by the anti-Muslim stance that the Congress seemed
to have adopted. The events following the partition of Bengal and
Urdu-Hindu controversy strengthened the desire of the Muslims to
organize themselves politically as separate community. The birth of All
India Muslim League at Dacca on 30th December 1906 came as an expression
of that desire.
Following are the reasons for the establishment of Muslim league.
Indifferent Attitude of the Congress towards Muslims: All India National
Congress was a pre-dominantly Hindu body. Its interests were always at
odds ends to those of the Muslims. By 1906, Muslim leaders were
convinced that they must have their own party which may speak for the
community on all important occasions.
Educational and Economic Backwardness: Muslims had lagged far behind
from the Hindus in education and economic progress. Educational and
economic conditions could only be up graded by establishing a separate
Muslims organization that could represent the wishes of the Muslims.
Urdu-Hindi Controversy: The Urdu-Hindu controversy began with the demand
of Hindus to replace Urdu by Hindi as official language in Deva Nagari
Script. Sir Anthony Macdonal, the then Governor of UP ousted Urdu from
public offices. Congress clearly sided with Hindi and supported the
movement against Urdu and there was no other political party to support
Urdu. Thus, the need of formation of a Muslim political party was felt
The Evolution of Minto Marley Reforms: The turning point came in the
summer of 1906 during John Morley’s budget speech, in which he hinted of
constitutional reforms. At that time Muslims did not have a political
platform to demand their share. It was reasserted that they wanted a
separate political platform.
The Success of Simla Deputation: Minto offered fullest sympathy to the
Muslim demands. The success of Deputation compelled the Muslims to have a
separate political association of their own.
To Save Muslim Entity: The belief uttered by sir Syed Ahmed Khan that
the Muslims were somehow a separate entity. The Muslims did not believe
that Hindus and Muslims formed one nation. They were different by
religion, history, languages and civilization. It became essential for
Muslims to establish a political party of their own.
A resolution to form the All India
Muslim League was passed by Nawab Salimullah Khan and was seconded by
Hakim Ajmal Khan, Maulana Muhammad Ali and Moulana Zafar Ali. The
resolution was passed by All India Educational Conference on 30th
December 1906. A committee was formed to prepare its draft constitution.
Sir Agha Khan was appointed as President and Syed Hassan Balgrami was
appointed as secretary, while Nawab Mohsim-ul-Mulk and Nawab
Viqar-ul-Mulk were made joint secretaries with six Vice- Presidents, a
Central Committee with forty Members was also constituted. In this way
Muslim league was established and become the sole representative of
Knowing the circumstances which led to
the formation of Muslim league was not difficult to make out what it
aimed to. However, the Muslim league laid the following points as its
1. To create among Muslims the feelings of loyalty towards British Government and to remove misconception and suspicious.
2. To Safeguard the political rights of the Muslims and to bring them into the notice of the Government.
3. To prevent among the Muslims, the rise of prejudicial feelings against the other communities of India.
2. To Safeguard the political rights of the Muslims and to bring them into the notice of the Government.
3. To prevent among the Muslims, the rise of prejudicial feelings against the other communities of India.
The first session of all India Muslim
league was held at Karachi on 29th December, 1907 and was presided over
by Adamji Peer Bhai.
It was being felt from the beginning
that the All India Muslim League would not achieve considerable success
without winning the British Public opinion to its side. Therefore, Syed
Ameer Ali organized the branch of Muslim league at London. The inaugural
meeting was held on 6th May 1908, at London Caxton Hall. It was
participated by the Muslim and those British people who favoured their
view point.
There come into being a political body
which was to play a decisive role in the destiny of the Muslim peoples
of the Indian sub-continent. The day the Muslim delegation won
recognition of the demand of separate electorate, the course of the
Muslim freedom struggle was charted. It was the beginning of the growth
of Muslim national consciousness. It farmed visible institutional
expression in the form of Muslim League which after a forty (40) years
struggle was to achieve for the Muslims the culmination of their
national aspiration, Muslim League became a mass movement of the Muslims
and succeeded in achieving Pakistan in 1974. Actually the new breed of
leadership like Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was instrumental in its
After the acceptance of the demand of
separate representation in the Minto Morely reforms, it was common sense
to have political party to fight elections for Muslim representation.
Whatever may have been the effects of Muslim league, but it made clear
that the interests of Muslims must be regarded completely separate from
those of the Hindus. Any fusion of both the communities in future was
not possible. It steered the ship of Muslim destiny safely through of
Political chaos and turmoil to the safer harbour of Pakistan.
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