Indian trade links with
Europe started in through sea route only after the arrival of Vasco da
Gama in Calicut, India on May 20, 1498. The Portuguese had traded
in Goa as early as 1510, and later founded three other colonies on the west
coast in Diu, Bassein, and Mangalore. In 1601 the East India Company was
chartered, and the English began their first inroads into the Indian Ocean.
At first they were little interested in India, but rather, like the
Portuguese and Dutch before them, with the Spice Islands. But the English
were unable to dislodge the Dutch from Spice Islands. In 1610, the British
chased away a Portuguese naval squadron, and the East India Company created
its own outpost at Surat. This small outpost marked the beginning of a
remarkable presence that would last over 300 years and eventually dominate
the entire subcontinent. In 1612 British established a trading post in
Gujarat. As a result of English disappointments with dislodging the Dutch
from the Spice Islands, they turned instead to India. In 1614 Sir Thomas Roe
was instructed by James I to visit the court of Jahangir, the Mughal emperor
of Hindustan. Sir Thomas was to arrange a commercial treaty and to secure
for the East India Company sites for commercial agencies, -"factories" as
they were called. Sir Thomas was successful in getting permission from
for setting up factories. East India Company set up factories at Ahmedabad,
Broach and Agra. In 1640 East India
Company established an outpost at Madras.
In 1661 the company obtained Bombay from Charles II and converted it to a
flourishing center of trade by 1668. English settlements rose in Orissa and
Bengal. In 1633, in the Mahanadi delta of Hariharpur at Balasore in Orissa,
factories were set up. In 1650 Gabriel Boughton an employee of the Company
obtained a license for trade in Bengal. An English factory was set up in
1651 at Hugli. In 1690 Job Charnock established a factory. In 1698 the
factory was fortified and called Fort William. The villages of Sutanati,
Kalikata and Gobindpore were developed into a single area called Calcutta.
Calcutta became a trading center for East India Company. Once in India, the
British began to compete with the Portuguese, the Dutch, and the French.
Through a combination of outright combat and deft alliances with local
princes, the East India Company gained control of all European trade in
India by 1769. In 1672 the French established themselves at Pondicherry and
stage was set for a rivalry between the British and French for control of
Indian trade.
Battle of Plassey - On June 23rd, 1757
at Plassey, between Calcutta and Murshidabad, the forces of the East India
Company under Robert Clive met the army of Siraj-ud-Doula, the Nawab of
Bengal. Clive had 800 Europeans and 2200 Indians whereas Siraj-ud-doula in
his entrenched camp at Plassey was said to have about 50,000 men with a
train of heavy artillery. The aspirant to the Nawab's throne, Mir Jafar, was
induced to throw in his lot with Clive, and by far the greater number of the
Nawab's soldiers were bribed to throw away their weapons, surrender
prematurely, and even turn their arms against their own army. Siraj-ud-Doula
was defeated. Battle of Plassey marked the first major military success for
British East India Company.
Battle of Wandiwash 1760: From
1744, the French and English fought a series of battles for supremacy in the
Carnatic region. In the third Carnatic war, the British East India Company
defeated the French forces at the battle of Wandiwash ending almost a
century of conflict over supremacy in India. This battle gave the British
trading company a far superior position in India compared to the other
Battle of
Buxar: In June 1763 under Major Adams British army defeated Mir Kasim the Nawab of
Bengal. Though they with a smaller army against Mir Kasim, the English had
victories at Katwah, Giria, Sooty, Udaynala and Monghyr. Mir Kasim fled to
Patna and took help from Nawab Shujauddaulah and the Emperor Shah Alam II.
But the English under the General Major Hector Munro at Buxar defeated the
confederate army on 22 October, 1764. Mir Kasim fled again fled and died in
1777. After winning the Battle of Buxar, the British had earned the right
to collect land revenue in Bengal, Bihar and Orissa. This development set
the foundations of British political rule in India. After the victory of
the English in Buxar Robert Clive was appointed the governor and commander
in chief of the English army in Bengal in 1765. He is claimed as the founder
of the British political dominion in India. Robert Clive also brought
reforms in the administration of the company and the organization of the
Warren Hastings was
appointed the Governor of Bengal in 1772. Under the Regulating Act of 1773
passed by British parliament, a Council of four members was appointed, and
Warren Hastings (Governor-General 1774-85) was empowered to conduct the
Company's affairs with the Council's advice. His task was to consolidate the
Company's rule in Bengal. He brought about several administrative and
judicial changes. Warren Hasting faced an uphill task in dealing with the
Indian rulers. He faced stiff resistance from the Marathas in the north and
Hyder Ali in the south.
In 1773 he concluded
the treaty of Banaras with the Nawab of Avadh appeasing the emperor and
getting financial gains thus blocking alliances between the Marathas and the
Nawab of Avadh. Under Warren Hastings English army took part in the Rohilla
War in 1774 that brought Rohilkhand in the company's jurisdiction.
After the death of the Raja of Mysore in 1760, Hyder Ali, became the ruler
of Mysore. He extended his territories by conquering Bednore, Sundra, Sera,
Canara and Guti and subjugated the poligars of south India. With easy
success in Bengal, the English concluded a treaty with Nizam Ali of
Hyderabad and committed the Company to help the Nizam with the troops in his
war against Hyder Ali. In 1767, - the Nizam, the Marathas and the English
made an alliance against Hyder. But Hyder was brave and diplomatic. He beat
the English at their own game by making peace with the Marathas and alluring
the Nizam with territorial gains and together with the latter launched an
attack on Arcot. The fight continued for a year and half and the British
suffered heavy losses. The panic-stricken British had to sue for peace. A
treaty was signed on April 4, 1769, on the basis of restitution of each
other's territories.
1769–70 there was ‘Great famine in Bengal’ in which nearly 10 million
people perished. Later several other famines hit different parts of Indian
killing millions of people during East India companies rule. During
the period 1772-1785 the territory of the East India Company included
Bengal. Bihar, Orissa, Banaras and Ghazipur. It also included the Northern
Sarkars, port of Salsette and the harbours of Madras, Bombay and other minor
ports. The Mughal territory included Delhi and other surrounding areas. The
territory of Avadh, which was autonomous, was bound in an
offensive-defensive alliance with the East India Company since 1765. The
North Western part of India was under the Sikh clans, who controlled region
around the Sultej. The Muslim chiefs ruled in North western Punjab, Multan,
Sindh and Kashmir. The Marathas dominated over western India, parts of
Central India from Delhi to Hyderabad and Gujarat to Cuttak. The Deccan was
ruled by Nizam of Hyderabad. Hyder Ali ruled over Mysore. Tanjore and
Travancore were under the Hindu rulers.
First Anglo Maratha war
(1775 –1782):
Narayan Rao
became the fifth Peshwa of the Marathas. Narayan Rao killed by his uncle
Raghunath Rao, who declared himself as the Peshwa. The Maratha chieftains
under the leadership of
Nana Phadnis
opposed him. Raghunath Rao sought help from the English. The English agreed
to help him and concluded with him the Treaty of Surat on March 7,
1775. According to the treaty the English were to provide 2,500 men and
Raghunath was to cede Salsette and Bassein to the English with part of the
revenues from Broach and Surat districts.
Maratha army and chiefs proclaimed Madhav Rao
Narayan as the Peshwa and on January 9 1779, the British troops met a large
Maratha army at Talegon and were defeated. This shattered the prestige of
the British so low that they had to enter into a humiliating Treaty of
Wadgaon. British had to surrender all the territories acquired by the
Company since 1773.
Warren Hastings, the Governor-General, sent a
strong force under Colonel Goddard who took possession of Ahmedabad on
February 15 and captured Bassein on December 11, 1780. Warren Hastings sent
another force against Mahadaji Sindhia. Captain Popham captured Gwalior on
August 3 1780 and on February 16, 1781, General Camac defeated Sindhia at
Sipri. These victories increased the prestige of the English, who gained
Sindhia as an ally to conclude the the Treaty of Salbai on 17 May
1782. As per this treaty Company recognised Madhav Rao Narayan as the Peshwa
and returned to the Sindhia all his territories west of Yamuna. The treaty
of Salbai assured mutual restitution of each other's territories and
guaranteed peace for twenty years.
In 1780 when the English wanted to attack the
French at Mahe, situated on the west coast of Mysore, Hyder Ali did not
permit it. Therefore the English declared war against Hyder Ali. Hyder Ali
arranged a joint front with the Nizam and the Marathas. In July 1780, Hyder
Ali with 80,000 men and 100 guns attacked Carnatic. In October 1780 he
captured Arcot, defeating an English army under Colonel Braille. Meanwhile
British managed to break the alliance between the Raja of Berar, Mahadji
Sindhia, Nizam and Hyder Ali.
Hyder Ali continued the war with the British.
But in November 1781, Sir Eyre Coote defeated Hyder Ali at Porto Nova. In
January 1782, English captured Trincomali. In 1782, Hyder Ali inflicted a
humiliating defeat on the British troops under Colonel Braithwaite. On
December 7, 1782, Hyder Ali died. His son Tipu Sultan bravely fought against
Britishers. Tipu captured brigadier Mathews, in 1783. Then in November 1783,
Colonel Fullarton captured Coimbatore. Tired of the war, the two
sides concluded the Treaty of Mangalore in 1784. According to the
treaty, both the parties decided to restore each other's conquered
territories and free all the prisoners.
Pitt's India
Act - 1784 - British Parliament under
Pitt’s India Bill of 1784 appointed a Board of Control. It provided for a
joint government of the Company (represented by the Directors), and the
Crown (represented by the Board of Control). In 1786, trough a supplementary
bill, Lord Cornwallis was appointed as the first Governor-General, and he
became the effective ruler of British India under the authority of the Board
of Control and the Court of Directors.
Third Mysore War - The
immediate cause of the war was Tipu's attack on Travancore on
December 29, 1789 over aq dispute over Cochin. The Raja of
Travancore was entitled to the protection of the English. Thus
taking advantage of the situation, the English, making a triple
alliance with the Nizams and the Marathas, attacked Tipu Sultan.
The war between Tipu and the alliance lasted
for nearly two years. British under Major-General Medows, could not win
against Tipu. On January 29, 1791, Cornwallis himself took over the command
of the British troops. He captured Bangalore in 1791 and approached
Seringapatnam, Tipu's capital. Tipu displayed great skill in defending and
his tactics forced Cornwallis to retreat. Tipu captured Coimbatore on
November 3. Lord Cornwallis soon returned and occupied all the forts in his
path to Seringapatnam. On February 5, 1792 Cornwallis arrived at
Serinapatnam. Tipu had to sue for peace and the Treaty of Seringapatnam
concluded in March 1792. The treaty resulted in the surrender of nearly half
of the Mysorean territory to the victorious allies. Tipu also had to pay a
huge war indemnity of and his two sons were taken as hostages.
Fourth Mysore war
- Lord Wellesley
became the governor general of India in 1798. Tipu Sultan tried to secure
an alliance with the French against the English in India. Wellesley
questioned Tipu’s relationship with the French and attacked Mysore in 1799.
The fourth Anglo-Mysore War was of short duration and decisive and ended
with Tipu’s death on May 4, 1799 who was killed fighting to save his
After death of Nana Phadnavis in 1800, there
was infighting between Holkar and Sindhia chiefs. The new Peshwa Baji Rao
murdered Vithuji Holkar, brother of Jaswant Rao Holkar in April 1801. Holkar
defeated the combined armies of Sindhias and the Peshwas at Poona and
captured the city. The new Peshwa Baji Rao II, was weak and sought the
protection of British through treaty of Bassein in 1802. Baji Rao II was
restored to Peshwarship under the protection of the East India Company.
However, the treaty was not acceptable to both the Marathas chieftains - the
Shindia and Bhosales. This directly resulted in the Second Anglo-Maratha war
in 1803.
Sindhia and Bhosale tried to win
over Holkar but he did not join them and retired to Malwa and Gaekwad
chose to remain neutral. Even at this point of time, the Marathas chiefs
were not able to unify themselves and thus the challenge to the authority of
the Company brought disasters for both the Sindhias and Bhosales. The war
began in August 1803. British under General Wellesley (brother of Lord
Wellesley) defeated Bhosales at Argain on November 29 and the British
captured the strong fortress of Gawilgrah on December 15, 1803. In the
north, General Lake captured Delhi and Agra. The army of Sindhia was
completely destroyed at the battle of Delhi in September and at Laswari in
Alwar State in November. The British further won in Gujarat, Budelkhand and
By the Treaty of Deogaon signed on December 17,
1803, the Bhosale surrendered to the Company the province of Cuttack and the
entire region in the west of the rivers Wards.
Similarly, the Sindhia signed the Treaty of
Surji-Arjanaon on December 30, 1803 and ceded to the Company all their
territories between the Ganga and the Yamuna. British forces were stationed
in the territories of the Sindhia and Bhosale. With these victories
Britishers became the dominant power in India.
In 1804 Holkar army successfully defeated
British army in Kota and forced them out from Agra. British somehow managed
to defend Delhi. However in November 1804 British army managed to defeat a
contingent of Holkar army but Holkar again defeated British in Bharatpur
in 1805. Ultimately Treaty of Rajpurghat" was signed on December 25, 1805
between Holkar and British.
Third Marataha War
(1817-1818): Marathas were ultimately defeated and Maratha power destroyed by British in
several wars during 1817- 1818. Holkar's forces were routed at Mahidpur
December 21, 1817 and Baji Rao II, who was trying to consolidate Marathas,
finally surrendered in June 1818. British abolished the position of Peshwa
and Marathas were limited to the small kingdom of Satara. Thus ended the
mighty Maratha power.
Between 1814 to 1826 British had to fight many
wars against Gurkhas in the North and Burmese in the North
East. After several losses and some gains British signed peace treaties with
Gurkhas of Nepal and Burmese. During the period of 1817-1818 British had to
fight against non-traditional armies of Pindaris, who used to plunder
British territory. British finally managed to crush Pindaris.
During this period in the North West region of
Punjab the Sikh power was growing and Maharaja Ranjit Singh
(1780-1839) of Punjab became very powerful. British already had their hands
full with problems in different part of India. They were afraid of Ranjit
Singh’s power. So in 1838 they made a peace treaty with Ranjit Singh. During
the same year there was a big famine in north-west India that killed nearly
a million people. But after Ranjit Singh’s death there was infighting
amongst Sikhs. British tried to take advantage of this and
First Anglo -
Sikh war started in 1845. Battle of Mudki and Ferozshah (1845) saw heavy
fighting between British and Sikhs. Sikhs were defeated due to the treachery
of their generals. The final battle of Sobraon on February 10, 1846 proved
decisive where Sikhs again lost due to the betrayal of their generals. The
British were able to capture most of India after defeating Sikhs in 1849 in
Second Anglo - Sikh War.
The year 1853 stands out to be a
landmark year in modern Indian history as the first Railway opened
from Bombay to Thane and first Telegraph line from Calcutta to Agra
was started. This was one of the first major positive contributions that
British made in India. Although the initial purpose of these was to improve
the mobility and communication of the British troops but much later they
became very useful for common people.
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